Sunday, September 18, 2011

Christ Fully-Formed in YOU

Galatians 4:4-7, 19

4...When the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. 6Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir... 19 My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is fully-formed in you..."

A component of my trainng that lasted the entire summer was "Heart of the Missionary." It was the spiritual bootcamp and checkup I needed. This phrase and it's affect on my spiritual DNA were among the most influential. Coupled with this knowledge is the foundation that since my conversion and baptism I share in the death and resurrection of Chist and in Him alone find my identity. We love that passage when we things are going well. BUT I have found the most strength from it when confronting the Accuser!
If my identity is no longer "mine" but Christ's, thru me and being formed more and more in me....then when Satan tries to accuse "me" I can truly say,
"That man is dead!
Not I, but Christ who lives within me!!!!"

Now I guard my heart and my mind so carefully to keep this perspective of Christ always with me and gradually fully-forming Himself in me so that really do decrease that He may increase.

That's how, I believe, people see Christ in us...and why the fragrance of His presence lingers on us and draws them to Him. Not only do we reflect the glory of the Father as the moon the Sun but we have that fire of His presence lighting us from within. May His presence thru us be like fire in dry grass to those who are perishing.

We are approaching 70% but 100% is needed to leave!Are you involved and connected yet? If not...To donate & partner with me for France with Brie church. 

1-Go to
2-Click Give
3-Click Register (to Create an Account)
4-Click Missionary and choose Walker, Ricardo 31348 from a drop down list
5-Make your first donation and set it as recurring! A bientot (see ya soon)!

Check out this Video about Team Brie in France where I'm headed!

And for A Modern Psalm Project Fans:

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

On and On

Rms 15:9-14"Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles;I will sing hymns to your name...
Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people...Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles, and sing praises to Him all you peoples...The Root of Jesse will spring up,one who will arise to rule over the nations; the Gentiles will hope in Him.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him,
so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Band Chasen "On and On"
Some say we need a miracle
Some say there’s no hope at all
But I know that Your love is strong,
it goes on and on and on and on
Rise up when it gets us down
It’ll be the voice in the blaring crowd
Because we know Your love will lead us home
It goes on and on and on and on

This song today is just to Him for Him because...
well the lyrics say it all
and despite what life throws at us
I trust Him...

Formal training is fully complete until I'm in the field. Now implementing it begins. I learned more about how much I still have to learn than anything else! What I've learned is:
*how little I know,
*that every leader should never stop learning,
*to arrive in France not with solutions but listening to the culture, the language, and the people as a learner...
*to let the Holy Spirit speak any answers to the French
*how easy it is to love people you've known for only 11 weeks
*and to assist the French by helping facilitate the training of leaders along side them and BEING THE CHURCH FIRST, LAST  
to see churches planted that are truly French and make God smile...

We're at 67%. 100% needed to leave!Are you involved and connected yet? If not...To donate & partner with me for France with Brie church. 
1-Go to
2-Click Give
3-Click Register (to Create an Account)
4-Click Missionary and choose Walker, Ricardo 31348 from a drop down list
5-Make your first donation and set it as recurring! A bientot (see ya soon)!

Check out the 2 videos. 
1-The first is about Team Brie in France.

Église de la Brie from Go2819 on Vimeo.

2-The second is a promotional video for the Training Program I've attended all summer. Check out that dashing guy who ends with a heart-felt personal endorsement. Haha. Just kidding!

We are approaching 70% but 100% is needed to leave!Are you involved and connected yet? If not...To donate & partner with me for France with Brie church. 

1-Go to
2-Click Give
3-Click Register (to Create an Account)
4-Click Missionary and choose Walker, Ricardo 31348 from a drop down list
5-Make your first donation and set it as recurring! A bientot (see ya soon)!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Beginning of the End...

The beginning of the end...
CIT Training, in fact all of my Formal Pre-field Training ends tomorrow.

Formal training ends and implementing begins. I learned more about how much I still have to learn than anything else! What I've learned is:
*how little I know,
*that every leader should never stop learning,
*to arrive in France not with solutions but listening to the culture, the language, and the people as a learner...
*to let the Holy Spirit speak any answers to the French
*how easy it is to love people you've known for only 11 weeks
*and to assist the French by helping facilitate the training of leaders along side them and BEING THE CHURCH FIRST, LAST  
to see churches planted that are truly French and make God smile...

More to come on what I learned this summer and at the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.

Still at 66%. 100% needed to leave!Are you involved and connected yet? If not...To donate & partner with me for France with Brie church. 
1-Go to
2-Click Give
3-Click Register (to Create an Account)
4-Click Missionary and choose Walker, Ricardo 31348 from a drop down list
5-Make your first donation and set it as recurring! A bientot (see ya soon)!

Photos of Team Training below video...A bientot!

Check out the 3 videos. 
1-The first is about Team Brie in France.

Église de la Brie from Go2819 on Vimeo.

2-The second is a promotional video for the Training Program I've attended all summer. Check out that dashing guy who ends with a heart-felt personal endorsement. Haha. Just kidding!


3-And finally a video for the Modern Psalm Project Fans...a cover of Gungor's Cannot Keep!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Keehn Adoption and Untitled by Blaine Hogan

Dear friends,
2 Important Endorsements

1-Heather and Brian Keehn have opened their hearts and home to adopting from Ethiopia. They have 2 boys Cale and Quinn who are still toddlers but are already planning the next addition. I have know this couple since before they married and always at the center, at their center is allowing God to answer the question "what next?"
Madwire Media is helping and encouraging them by donating a dollar everytime a new person likes their Facebook page. They always put a boundary/conditions on the campaign. The next one will be announced on Monday. I always link it on my Facebook. My Facebook: Click Here.
The direct link to Madwire Media's Facebook: Click Here. But don't like UNTIL they start the campaign.

2-Untitled by Blaine Hogan
I followed Blaine on twitter after the Summit last year I think. Follow him on twitter: Click Here. He's on the team that puts together a lot of what we see visually at the Summit. He also writes. He allowed me the great privilege to preview and read his E-book on the creative process. Here is my review after several readings:

I have read this small but powerful book several times now. It's not just for people who CALL themselves artists. It's for everyone who wants to make something more of his and her life! I was inspired by the processes modeled but even maybe without meaning to Blaine Hogan inspired me to never stop being creative, to always be listening because THE creative power of this universe is ALWAYS "speaking."

Here is a link to the E-book on Amazon. Click Here. You can also find it in the E-book store on amazon and read on your PC like I did even if you don't own a kindle. I actually read it also my iPad2.
Check it out...God spoke clearly there, if we will listen!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

THREE More Weeks of Training in NC: And Guest Post="The Missionary Call"

I read the following post on another Missionary's blog and was amazed at how clearly it expressed what I have tried to say when sharing about "why France?" Suffice it to say we are all missionaries...even in our own homes.
After the article are a few surprises: a video for those who miss A Modern Psalm Project, some photos from Team training and instructions on how to get involved as a monthly partner. 3 more weeks and I'll be back in Myrtle Beach persevering until we reach 100%!
    "I was never called to be a missionary, nor was I drafted. I volunteered. No special call was needed. I chose to go; I wanted to go; I was compelled to go. And where I go is always determined by an open Bible and a stretched-out map of the regions where Christ is still unknown and un-praised!
    I chuckle when I hear missionaries and pastors talk about “surrendering to the call” of ministry. I always want to ask, “After you surrendered, were you water-boarded, or just hauled off in handcuffs and leg irons.” Was it really necessary for you to be abducted by a heavenly vision before you would go into the work of the gospel?
    The missionary call is not like a prison dog that tracks us down, sniffs us out, and hog-ties us for the nations. That is silly-talk and really bad theology. Nowhere in Scripture is a mysterious (supernatural) call a prerequisite before we can respond to the Great Commission. The opposite is actually true.
    Don’t Wait for a Call
No aspect of mission is more bogged down with extra-biblical baggage than the “missionary call.”  The clear command of Christ “to go” should be, by itself, sufficient to set you on your way “into all the world. . . proclaiming the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15). You can’t go wrong by trying to go. Trust the Lord to direct your moving feet. If you are convinced of your “call” to “stay”, this will only serve as added confirmation that you are right. Don’t fear the risk of ending up some place the Lord doesn’t want you. Too many already took that “risk” when they assumed a stateside ministry or vocation with no confirmation other than their own desires.
    Dramatic calls to ministry are the exception. If you have it in your heart to go, then go. Then, lean on the sovereignty of God to get you where he wants you in the harvest. Don’t worry about “running ahead of God.” You aren’t that quick!
    Try to Go
Paul tried to go into Asia, but the Lord wouldn’t let him. He then tried to go to Bithynia, but was “kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia.” Still, he kept trying to go. I count at least six cities in Acts 16 where Paul tried to take the gospel. It was only then that the Lord gave him a vision of the Macedonian. He woke up the next morning and immediately headed for the regions north, having “concluded that God had called them to preach the gospel in Macedonia.
    The heavenly vision wasn’t a “call” to mission, it was specific guidance for missionaries that were already going.
    The point?  Don’t complicate the missionary call. Get radical with the going and God will get radical in the specific guiding."
David Sitton is the founder and president of To Every Tribe Ministries. David is a career church planting missionary who lived and worked in Papua New Guinea for 16 years, making first gospel contact with several headhunting, cannibalistic tribes.
Training in NC is going well. Heavy work load, requiring significant self-analysis to learn how to present just the Gospel so the French hear the Gospel, not Ricardo's American Christianity. I'd like to remind readers that I am still available to travel to your area to share. I am at about 66% but still need monthly partners to join us until we reach 100%. ONLY then can I actually move and join the work already in progress in France. So if you can help give me a call. Or you can take the initiative and present about France FOR me in your small group! : )
I can travel the following dates:

August 13th-14th
August 20th until 100%
(843)446-3348 or to schedule.

For those who want send cards or letters of encouragement : )
Ricardo L.Walker
c/o CIT PO Box 250
Union Mills, NC 28167

To donate & partner with me for France with Brie church
1-Go to
2-Click Give
3-Click Register (to Create an Account)
4-Click Missionary and choose Walker, Ricardo 31348 from a drop down list
5-Make your first donation and set it as recurring! A bientot (see ya soon)!

Photos of Team Training below video...A bientot!

Last week's and this week's training is focused on TEAMS, healthy ones, how to lead them and how to follow well, how to communicate in them...
We have forged such a bond, we families headed to every corner of the globe that. So much so that we succeeded on the first try at most of the team tasks to the surprise of the facilitators. Love brings trust which is critical to effective teams!
1-Winshape Team Activities : I'm READY!
2 Blindfold or mute. I was mute.
Carry "nuclear waste" without spilling it.
3 Lava and boards=Stones to make a moving bridge.
4-1st real team effort.
 Cross the lava without touching the ground.
Stones must never be un-touched.
We lost 3 stones before we perfected working together.
5 Everyone on the stones trying to figure out
 how much more we could tighten up
 to start passing the stones forward?

6 Getting Directions on how 
to re-build the women's structure.
7 Just listen.
8 Hurry, before I forget!
9 Here's what I remember, lol!

10 Did we get it guys?
11 Perfect replica!
12 Followers Blindfolded and Leader,
who can see, is mute.
 I did ok, lol. Mute is not my thing!

13 How'd I end up on the women's team?

14 As much as I hated leading the blind I hated being blindfolded more.

15 How do you help a woman step thru a swing
without telling her that's what she's doing?
16 By now the blinfdolded had warned
 their teammates we were crossing thru a swing!
17 First activity where I felt my size
and weight were a benefit to the team.
18 Trust activity-1st try.
After, the 2nd time with another team member
of equal weight we made it to the end of the V
 leaning forward on just each others' hands
at about a 55 degree angle each!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Training Update from NC at CIT

Training in NC is going well. Heavy work load, requiring significant self-analysis to learn how to present just the Gospel so the French hear the Gospel, not Ricardo's American Christianity. I'd like to remind readers that I am still available to travel to your area to share. I am at about 66% but still need monthly partners to join us until we reach 100%. ONLY then can I actually move and join the work already in progress in France. So if you can help give me a call. Or you can take the initiative and present about France FOR me in your small group! : )
I can travel the following dates:

July 8th-10th
July 23-24th
August 13th-14th
August 20th until ???
(843)446-3348 or to schedule.

For those who want send cards or letters of encouragement : )
Ricardo L.Walker
c/o CIT PO Box 250
Union Mills, NC 28167

OR...ONLY FOR UPS or other special package delivery:
Ricardo L.Walker
c/o CIT
6494 Hudlow Rd.
Union Mills, NC 28167

To donate & partner with me for France with Brie church
1-Go to
2-Click Give
3-Click Register (to Create an Account)
4-Click Missionary and choose Walker, Ricardo 31348 from a drop down list
5-Make your first donation and set it as recurring! A bientot (see ya soon)!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

News From CIT in NC and Time After Time Video

Hebrews 13:5b  “Never will I leave you; 
   never will I forsake you.”
Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
    I have loved this song a long time and seen in it a kind of comfort from Jesus to me that He sees and always shares the journey and even when I don't see Him or understand HE IS THERE. With a few lyric changes this could be the best of worship songs.
    This is part of the Truth being reinforced in our hearts here at CIT as we train for service in the field. God is clearly scraping away the cultural baggage of which we might be unaware that could hinder the sharing of the Gospel. But He is also building or rebuilding our complete confidence in that Gospel to continue to transform us into the image of His Son Jesus who lived only to reflect and bring Him glory.
    I'd like to remind readers that I am still available to travel to your area to share. I am at about 66% but still need monthly partners to join us until we reach 100%. ONLY then can I actually move and join the work already in progress in France. So if you can help give me a call. Or you can take the initiative and present about France FOR me in your small group! : )
I can travel the following dates:
June 24th-25th
July 8th-10th
July 23-24th
August 13th-14th
August 20th until ???
(843)446-3348 or to schedule.

For US Mail:
Ricardo L.Walker
c/o CIT
PO Box 250
Union Mills, NC 28167

OR...ONLY FOR UPS or other special delivery:
Ricardo L.Walker
c/o CIT 
6494 Hudlow Rd.
Union Mills, NC 28167

     To donate & partner with me for France with Brie church
1-Go to
2-Click Give
3-Click Register (to Create an Account)
4-Click Missionary and choose Walker, Ricardo 31348 from a drop down list
5-Make your first donation and set it as recurring!
A bientot (see ya soon)!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

40! Strong BUT Stronger in the next 40!

40! Strong BUT Stronger in the next 40!
Joshua 14:6-14 Now the people of Judah approached Joshua at Gilgal, and Caleb... said to him, “You know what the LORD said to Moses the man of God at Kadesh Barnea about you and me. I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadesh Barnea to explore the land. And I brought him back a report according to my convictions, but my fellow Israelites who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt in fear.
      I, however, followed the LORD my God wholeheartedly.  So on that day Moses swore to me, ‘The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance and that of your children forever, because you have followed the LORD my God wholeheartedly.
     “Now then, just as the LORD promised, he has kept me alive for forty-five years since the time he said this to Moses, while Israel moved about in the wilderness. So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then.  Now give me this hill country that the LORD promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the LORD helping me, I will drive them out just as He said.”
     Then Joshua blessed Caleb son of Jephunneh and gave him Hebron as his inheritance. So Hebron has belonged to Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite ever since, because he followed the LORD, the God of Israel, wholeheartedly.
     I LOVE this passage. I only heard it for the first time in the Fall. I mean "heard" it, really. Mind and heart-deep. I am counting on living a parallel of this in France. I am asking for that country as an inheritance for me and one day my future children. I am counting on God that my strongest days are ahead of me. In 40 more years I plan to be as valiant and devoted in the battle for France and just as vibrant and sharp of mind! Will you pray that for and with me?
I am doing my part my exercising and eating right. My glucose levels have been normal again for weeks since I started running again! I even had ice cream and birthday cake at my Surprise Party tonite with no adverse effects!
      I leave for training in NC with a full but heavy heart. Both for the same reason...the distance from my family and friends here...many who showed up tonite for a celebration and farewell-for-now. I love you guys so much and am so proud of how you have loved me all these years. I look forward with grateful anticipation to the next 4 decades of that love and those friendships. This song is for you guys. It's not just about "How He Loves" you but how I love you!!!

Please check out the previous 2 posts to see where I am headed for the next 3 months and then where I will be moving after!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

End of May Update and Video- Forever Reign

End of May Update and Video- Forever Reign
I have been cleared to leave for training in North Carolina at CIT! Training lasts 3 months and covers  cultural strategies and language assimilation. I'm at 63% and will continue to raise monthly support until 100% fully funded.
After training I will continue to travel in Myrtle Beach, Columbia, Charlotte, Lancaster and wherever else invited to raise support and new partners until we reach 100% together. 
     Only then can I depart for Brie-Comte Robert, France where I'll be moving permanently to aid my already beloved teammates at Brie Church.
     So what happens now?
1-On Sunday Jun 5th my family at Christ United Methodist will send me off to NC with prayer.
I then move to Union Mills NC to begin training on 6/6.
BUT I continue to raise support today and onward even during training. I will still be available to travel to share with groups and churches or individuals on the following weekends:
May 24th-June 4th
July 8th-10th
July 23-24th
August 13th-14th
August 20th until ???
(843)446-3348 or to schedule.
       So that' how you can help. You can share for me with your group or church or you can help me secure an invitation to share there. I NEED YOU NOW MORE THAN EVER. Tell your friends. Share this website/blog. 
Share our May Newsletter. Here's the secure link:         
        Our goal is to end training at at least 80%! So keep praying and stay in touch. I am sure this next few months will be an emotional taste of that final permanent move later this year.
       I'll close with an opportunity. In October at Catalyst I pledged my birthday to Charity Water. Several celebrities have led Birthday campaign's that have raised millions. Every $20 provides clean water for one person. An average water project costs $5,000 and can serve a community of 250+ people. In honor of my 40th Birthday June 1st I am attempting to fund ONE water project. Here's the link to find out more and to give clean water (Eau Claire) the way Brie Church will bring Living Water to the people of France!
      To donate & partner with me for France with Brie church
1-Go to
2-Click Give
3-Click Register (to Create an Account)
4-Click Missionary and choose Walker, Ricardo 31348 from a drop down list
5-Make your first donation and set it as recurring!
A bientot (see ya soon)!
Here's another new worship favorite. May it be true for us!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

NC Here we come!!! Next Step-Training 6/6-8/19

God did it! Through new partners and my coaches and directors I have been cleared to leave for training in North Carolina at CIT! Training lasts 2 and a half months and covers Bible basics, cultural and language studies. I feel confident about having a head start in all of these areas thanks to phenomenal programs like Your Next Step Institute here in Myrtle Beach! We graduate that training this Wednesday night.
     Here is the text I received today (Sat morning 5/21) from my support-raising "coach" Mark with UWM.
"Ricardo. It is a go. I will call [the CIT registrar] Monday to let her know you'll be coming. Also you'll need to call to get your [housing] arrangements set." My heart soared and as I told Mark I did a Pentecostal dance of holy happiness. We had set Monday 5/23 as the day we would evaluate whether enough progress has been made to warrant heading to training. However we passed the progress goal of 60% early! How can I thank all the current partners who doubled (and quadrupled) their pledges? How can I adequately show the gratitude I feel for new partners who took us from 50% at the beginning of this month to 60% in only 3 weeks!!!
     So what happens now?
1-On Sunday Jun 5th my family at Christ United Methodist send me off to NC with prayer. I move to Union Mills NC to begin training on 6/6 BUT I continue to raise support today and onward even during training. I will still be able to travel to share with groups and churches or individuals, mostly on weekends only. So that' how you can help. You can share for me with your group or church or you can help me secure an invitation to share there. I NEED YOU NOW MORE THAN EVER. Tell your friends. Share this website/blog. Share our May Newsletter. Here's the secure link:
Our goal is to end training at at least 80%!
2-After training I'm not sure where I will live but I will then continue to travel in Myrtle Beach, Columbia, Charlotte, Lancaster and wherever else invited to raise support and new partners until we reach 100% together. Only then can I depart for Brie-Comte Robert, France where I'll be moving permanently to aid my already beloved teammates at Brie Church.
So keep praying and stay in touch. I am sure this next few months will be emotional taste of that final permanent move later this year.
Last night I attended a preview of the Global Leadership Summit. It's the MOST EMPOWERING SPIRITUAL event of my year every year.  In August of 2010 in particular the last Summit found me in a depression over a lost relationship and down to 5% of monthly support for France. I was perfectly placed to hear Jeff Manion's talk "The Land Between" which is the talk we watched again last night. It was quite moving to hear how the "Sinai Desert"s of my life can be fertile ground for bitterness and depression like in August 2010 or fertile ground for growth and trust. The first time I heard it I decided to just trust God that all was going according to His plan and...WOW! Look where we are today! Here's a link to that talk, in case you find yourself "in between." Let Manion's walk through the word bring you to a place of trust and healing.
I'll close with an opportunity. In October at Catalyst I pledged my birthday to Charity Water. Several celebrities have led Birthday campaign's that have raised millions. Every $20 provides clean water for one person. An average water project costs $5,000 and can serve a community of 250+ people. In honor of my 40th Birthday June 1st I am attempting to fund ONE water project. Here's the link to find out more and to give clean water (Eau Claire)
 the way Brie Church will bring Living Water to the people of France!
To partner with me and with Brie church
1-Go to
2-Click Give
3-Click Register (to Create an Account)
4-Click Missionary and choose Walker, Ricardo 31348 from a drop down list
5-Make your first donation and set it as recurring!
A bientot (see ya soon)!
Here's a recent worship favorite. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Departure-Stage 1
June 6th Training in NC
May Newsletter
1 Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them. He said:
3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
   for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
   for they will be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
   for they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
   for they will be filled. 

7 Blessed are the merciful,
   for they will be shown mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
   for they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers, 
   for they will be called children of God. Mt 7:1-9
Hunger = la faim, to be hungry = avoir faim
There is NO greater poverty than the lack of the Gospel.
The French are hungry and empty. They take more antidepressants than any other nation on the planet. They have left their catholic roots so far behind that they really have no point of reference when Christianity comes up. They have faith in nothing...but down deep they WANT to! France is more than 98% unreached! They think that Gospel is just Black people singing. The few who know Jesus do not share their faith and the gospel with their neighbors or friends!
Something must be done for this to change. THAT is why UWM has planted a new kind of church that avoids the stigma that church is boring and draws even the cautious French into relationship with bold thriving believers. But the church only has a few families.
Truly the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.
That's where I come in. My hands, feet, heart and voice are needed to support this Kingdom Work. In addition to training and mentoring  small groups leaders I will teach English and perform as a Gospel Singer. Our hope is that my students and musical relationships will lead to opportunities to draw a wider range of French people to small groups and to the church as a whole.
I am only $54 short of 58%. I am sure I will reach 58% by Monday 5/23 which will clear me to depart in Stage 1. Stage 1 is leaving for training in North Carolina for 2 and 1/2 months. After that training ends on 8/18 I will continue to raise partners and support until I reach 100%. I can then immediately depart (Stage 2) for France!
"Some places take years of work and cultivation to grow a crop but it's always worth it."
This dream has been a long time in the making but I can see how God has timed everything so perfectly. Could you...WOULD you pray about becoming a MONTHLY partner to support this permanent ministry. I have committed my service to the Lost of France until Jesus returns. You can help send a committed laborer to the harvest fields and JOIN GOD in the exciting work of Bringing a Nation back to Him! I long to see that day, when all of us from every Nation, Tribe and Tongue are worshiping Him as ONE Church.
This song has at it's heart that kind of longing and dreaming for that Perfect Day.